Rapid Exhibitions Software


Last Update:
February 2007

Copyright © 2011
CJG Consultants


Rapid Exhibitions software is for any museum or gallery who puts together temporary or touring exhibitions. It is the perfect organisational tool to ensure your exhibition information is accurate and effortless to manage.

Rapid software is a comprehensive solution that cuts through the intricacies associated with coordinating all the loan requests, schedules and reports. Using Rapid Exhibitions, it is simple to put together small or extensive exhibitions from fine art to multimedia to fashion retrospectives.

Yet despite its power, Rapid is extremely easy to use. Features include loan tracking, handling conditions, contact management, touring venues, indemnity and insurance, exhibition statistics, and courier modules. Rapid tracks every exhibit, keeps account of insurance values and monitors the status of your exhibition. Every user has up-to-date information at their fingertips with reports to tell them who to chase and when.

Rapid Exhibitions software has helped the Royal Academy of Arts put on record breaking exhibitions and "has reduced the stress levels associated with putting on a show of this calibre and given us a better quality of life!"

The Imperial War Museum first used Rapid on their very successful "Women at War" exhibition and they commented that "if it hadn't of been for Rapid we'd still be printing out loan forms".


Rapid Website

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the Rapid Exhibitions website

Rapid Features